I’ve received a pretty consistent poor difficult experience from this store. I still go here because it’s closer than driving up to Duluth but I know what I’m getting myself into.
I have personally be “chastised” by the owner for making a mistake on my Amazon return codes, and seen others treated the same.
I do my best to have my ducks in a row, but I’m only human. Would prefer to be provided the correct information without being made to feel like an idiot.
Saw a review claiming sexism, not discounting that, but would also like to say that it seems that he treats anyone, male or female, that makes a mistake with the same disdain.
Any questions about the character of the owner go ahead and read his responses to other reviews.
Your personal attacks of our Store and its staff are inappropriate. Our charges are fair and consistent with industry standards. If you are more satisfied with the Duluth store’s procedures, feel free to conduct business there. Otherwise there is no need to “chastise” our center publicly. Our store only charges when an Amazon customer did not do what they were supposed to do in reading their own instruction on how to properly return their products.
The best part about this is that the owner, and probably some of the workers if they’ve been responding to these reviews, are the only people that think they aren’t doing anything wrong and that all the issues with this business are the patrons fault. Unfortunately, that’s not how business works. But, go ahead and keep thinking that’s how it’s done. Your business won’t last long. You treat people like trash, plain and simple. Everyone is already laughing at you clowns. Keep it up, I guess lol😂
A 1-star review of our center without any comments simply indicates that you didn’t want to follow appropriate shipping procedures. We wish you the best of luck in your future pack and ship transactions.
The UPS Store 7050,
Superior, WI
Please allow us to help you have a successful visit, rather than resisting us at every turn. We are the Experts in what we do,
Better luck in your future shipping endeavors, you are no longer welcome to enter our Center in Superior, WI
Owner/Manager, The UPS Store 7050
It is easy to misread someone who is perceived to be “rude” vs our efforts to be thorough and complete inside of an industry that is heavily regulated, contractual, and often misunderstood. Our only desire is that each and every one of our customers is successful in their experience at our center. Please interpret only that rather than becoming offended at our explanation of the process that works.
Owner/Manager, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
A review like this helps noone. If we were not able to assist you to your satisfaction, the best way to handle that would be to come in and speak with the manager about your specific transaction. The most ineffective way to handle it, is to go online and enter a blind, one-star review. We can’t fix anything if we don’t know about it…..works the same way everywhere in business.
Owner/Operator, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
Your review is difficult to understand. We ship everything with the care and quality necessary to get your items to their destination on time. If your items are not “ship-ready” we are going to call your attention to it. Most of our jobs become educating our shipping customers on all that goes into properly packaging things for a successful shipment.
In regard to your Next Day items not arriving as scheduled, I’d say you have to make the effort to file a claim for the shipment you paid for. We can help you with these things if you allow us the chance. We service hundreds each day that are extremely satisfied with our store and its services. Can’t say for sure what happened with yours, but rather than complaining online, why don’t you do the right thing, and come talk to us about what might’ve happened.
Best experiences,
The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
Not sure how we could have assisted you better, but please let us know in the future.
Owner/Operator, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
You experienced charges because your package was a “Customer Packed” item and was not prepped for shipping. When we have to manage these things, fair charges apply as is stated in your return instructions. This is a very simple return program but you do have to ensure you know the process and read all of your instructions. We must follow the return program contract. You have no reason to be upset with our store or the franchise for following the Amazon Return procedures.
Manager, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
Your review borders on ridiculous. Follow your Amazon Return /instructions and you’ll never have a problem. If the Duluth location better fits your needs, then feel free to go there. There is no need to cut our store down or make statements that you are clueless about. People like you, we find out who they are andwe prefer to not have them in our store anyway.
Hope you feel better and have a happier life. All you do is create problems for normal folks who just want to serve and do their jobs right.
Manager, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
And save yourself some time… no need to respond to this review as I know you find entertainment in that. You would rather come up with a snippy comeback instead of changing your actions, weird.
You will get a reply because your behavior is unacceptable and your review is also inappropriate. You brought in an Amazon return item that was not ready for shipping. You presented a return authorization QR code that informed you that your item needed to be packed for shipping. When we offered our packaging services you were not satisfied with that, and became upset. I reviewed the entire transaction on video, and my Associate was professional and respectful. Regardless, if you are going to publicly slander our store online, for simply doing our jobs properly, then you are not welcome to return. Your behavior is rude and disrespectful to my store and its staff. You will also now be added to the list of persons of interest in an ongoing police investigation for organized slandering of our Center. Probably should just read your Amazon Return Instructions and stay off the internet in the future as you obviously don’t have anything productive to say.
Owner/Operator, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
Once I got to UPS (about 3 hours ago) I waited my turn only to be lectured by some dark-haired woman about my lack of knowledge regarding the shipping agreement between Amazon and UPS! I kept insisting this is EXACTLY how it was shipped to me so how can it not be good to ship back? There was a slight tear that I did not notice in the bag and I asked if it could be taped but I was told that would not be sufficient to ship the item.
I had a couple of other items to return but I told her I would go somewhere that had customer service, I took those items to my car and returned for my turntable. At that point I asked for her name, she REFUSED to give it to me; that is when the owner stepped in and asked for my name, because I am not shady, I gave it to them, neither returned the gesture. The owner was worse than his worker. Very smug and angry.
It is not the fact that I was refused service (but on the surface it made no sense I could not ship the item in the manner it was shipped to me), the owner claimed Amazon can do it because they are worth $30 billion. It was how rude both the owner and his employee were, like everyone knows that you can’t do this.
Even though I am in the IT field, I do work in the service industry and I interact with guests all the time while doing my work, I would never be so rude and condescending.
I have been to this location dozens of times previously and while they are typically ‘curt’ or even rude, I have been able to ignore it and move on. This time is different.
But it does have a happy ending, I went over to Duluth and they took my packages exactly as the were, (I did offer to pay them to tape up the tear in the bag but the guy said it was not a big deal and taped it up.)
For some reason the owner is unable to treat people in a reasonable manner, in all honesty I feel bad for him, he seems like a miserable guy. Still wondering why he choose customer service as a profession.
The bottom line is your package needed to be packed for shipping in order to guarantee a successful shipment. You refused our service and wrote us off as rude and condescending when you should have known better. We only, ever, try to help our customers with the best service possible. Sometimes that costs money for you to take responsibility for your purchases. That’s life.
You were even asked if you wanted to voice your concerns directly to me while we handled your transaction. You had nothing to say. I feel very sorry for you, sir, because with your kind of attitudes and behavior, you will end up leading a very unfullfilling life.
Better luck to you,
Owner/Manager, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
The customers literally stood in the entranceway of our center and refused the service that we offered. They had a large return item and were ignorant and completely disrespectful of our business. They proceeded to take up our time and effort to aid in completing their shipment and flat out told us that THEY, not us, were going to take their business elsewhere. You guys should tell the story the way it actually happened, instead of badmouthing our store for your attitudes. You are now no longer welcome to utilize our store in its services again. Furthermore, you’ll be added as a person of interest in an ongoing investigation of online reviewers who choose to defame a local business.
Good luck,
Manager, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
While Amazon Returns can be a tedious process, our only hope is that our customers receive their refunds. First off, it is nothing new to have items separated out for return when they are under separate return authorization codes. Secondly, and more importantly, no one “gave you any attitude,” as I explained in the store. You see, when the entirety of NW Wisconsin is processing returns to Amazon, we must be extremely regimented on how we process, sort, and ship those items or we are not following our Return Contract Guidelines for the vendors. Coming into our center without having return authorizations and not having items separated by return authorization codes, creates significant delays and headaches not only for me and my staff, but also for all those who have to wait in line because you didn’t read or follow your Amazon Return instructions.
Please, help us serve you better by being prepared and taking responsibility for your online shopping habits,
Here to help you, but you need to aid us in doing that. We are not a dumping ground.
Jasen Keske,
Owner/Operator, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
–Just so you have my full name spelled correctly.
Im sorry you had a poor experience. We do not ever wish to be rude in any manner to the customers we serve. Often, many will mistake our attempts to be as quick and efficient as possible in our service, as being rude. This is not the case. If we are busy, and we seem short, simply ask us to slow down so we can help you better understand our procedures. Our only hope is to help you, so that we can do a better job than anyone else.
The UPS Store 7050
In your mind, what is so rude about that? If you were dissatisfied come in and talk to us, dont spout subjective comments and expect anyone to listen. Good luck finding another place within 500 miles who does our jobs, for you, as well as we do..btw, how do you know who the owner is and who they are not…you should be ashamed of yourself trying to insult us like this…best of luck.
The UPS Store 7050
Superior, WI
The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
Thanks for your comments. We work extremely hard each day to satisfy our customers and your recognition means a lot in a business where many rely on us to get it right for them…its just that “getting it right” is often not what they are expecting. We love serving customers like you, who realize how difficult this work can be.
Many Thanks!
Owner/Manager, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
Find something better to do with your time than give solid businesses bad reviews. Your complaints are unheard by our entire community and certainly unwarranted without specifics. We hope you have a better day!
The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
Owner/Operator, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI.
The UPS Store 7050 Management
We are simply not rude to any of our customers, how would that make sense, c’mon.? We do our best day in and day out to be excellent at our professional services. With those same services, there are protocols and procedures we must follow to ensure the safety and protection of all who choose to use the public system. I’m not sure of your profession, but I’m sure you’re very good at it and only desire the common courtesy of being the expert in your field, just as we do. So, I’m sure you won’t be surprised when I tell you that I am very offended at your personal attacks over this public forum. As patrons of our store, you have continually questioned our business practices, despite not knowing anything about them. This, even to the point of attempting to cut your own keys for a proprietary mailbox unit, for which I’d be well within my rights to press charges for…. So everyone reading knows, Our business has tried to serve this individual with professionalism and integrity. This effort has been met with continual disrespect and abuse of services rendered fairly. With the kind of attacks made in this review, I no longer wish to provide services of any kind to you. Please return all issued mailbox keys, we’ll delete your access codes, and I’ll offer you a full refund. Thank you for time we were able to serve your needs.
Best of luck,
Jasen, Owner/Manager, The UPS Store
Enjoy your day!
The next day I called the central entrance UPS store and asked if I could ship the item the way it was shipped to me or if I had to actually pack it up in a second box. They said no problem, in fact they said if they were me that’s what they would do. Took the item to them, they scanned my code, was a 5 second transaction.
Just sayin…
EDIT : I didn’t bad mouth anything. Just laid out the facts. Sorry you didn’t like it. Maybe learn how to interact with other human beings and the bad reviews will end.
The Amazon return item you brought into our store was a required “Customer Packed” item. It wasn’t packaged, in a manner which would have gotten the items back to the vendor in good order. Whether you brought the package to another UPS Store location, is irrelevant. The part timer who checked it in probably didn’t know enough about how the process, and hence, the contract works with our Amazon partnership. We only, ever, attempt to provide our customers with optimal solutions for their shipping needs dependent on the contracts we are servicing. Either way, there is no need to go online and badmouth our Superior location for doing our jobs with excellence.
Best of luck in the future,
Sincerely, Owner/Manager, The UPS Store 7050, Superior, WI
Edit: and the reply to my review addresses none of the actual complaint, just spews more disrespect and further proves the point
Have a nice day!